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Summer Backyard Party Do's & Dont's

Whitney Lancisero

Updated: Feb 12

DO Cool Down!

One thing about the Summer Season, especially here in Arizona; it's the HOTTEST. So, you want to be sure to provide you and your guests with Plenty of Options when it comes to "Beating the Heat".

First things first... Provide Shade. That could mean anything from Natural shade (i.e. Trees, porch Awnings, etc) to patio or table Umbrellas to renting a commercial grade canopy/tent. Know your event location and decide your best options. Being in Arizona; There is not a whole lot of "Natural Shade"; but here at Southwest Hospitality Party Rentals, we have an extensive inventory of various sized tents to meet your needs. Apart from shade you may also consider using some fans or Swamp Coolers. And, of course, Provide plenty of water.

DON'T Short On The Seating!

More than likely, your Backyard Party will be in well... your backyard. and Most people have maybe a few patio chairs or even some folding camping chairs. But Most Likely, you do not have more than that. If you plan to have a decent sized guest list, you will NEED somewhere for those guests to sit. For Dining, as well as, to relax or just hang out. You don't have to get fancy with it. Just the basics will do. And yet again, another thing we have PLENTY of to rent out to you.

Another Cheap, Easy DIY idea (especially for the last-minute planners):

Lay out some blankets and throw pillow to CREATE a unique seating area. Keep in mind though, this IS the desert, so best to use blankets and pillows your okay with getting dirty.

DO Serve Plenty to Drink!

Especially here in Arizona, During the SUMMER months people severely Suffer from heat stroke and dehydration (Heat has even caused Several Deaths throughout AZ).

Don't let your guest overheat because who wants to spend their free time in the ER? Not many.

Be sure you serve PLENTY of beverages. and spread them out keeping in mind that they remain Easily Accessible. Water first and foremost, but add some variety, as well. There is actually a lot of fun ways to make an ordinary drink more Fun & Festive and STILL do its purpose. ALL while tasting Delicious!

DON'T Let the Bugs Invade your Soiree!

Another commonly know fact about Summer? More insects!

Mosquitoes, Flies and Bees are especially a Nuisance when you are having an outdoor event. Don't Let them take over your good time. Plan ahead for insect control.

One option would be to place some Citronella Candles on the tables (and other flat surfaces) around the party area. Also, Consider having some kind of a Bug Repellent of sorts made available to your guests. If you decide you want to have your yard sprayed, be sure to do so at about a week (At Least) before your party so that Everything has time to settle.

TIP: Want something Quick, Easy and Darn Near FREE??

Spread out an Array of Glasses or Mason Jars full of Water and drop a few Pennies in them. This will actually Deflect Flies.

DO Provide Amenities!

Nothing is WORSE than having a bunch of guests over and absolutely zero options as to where they can use the facilities. If you are having a party at your house, then fact of the matter is; your bathroom NEEDS to be made available...Clean and Stocked full of T.P. and other Necessary Toiletries. Nobody wants kids (or even adults for that matter) having an "accident" smack dab center of the Festivities, right?

DON'T Forget About the Kids!

More likely than not, your party will have kids. Whether your own, or relatives, or your friends with kids. With that being said, the children will need something to do to entertain themselves. That way, the adults can, in return, relax & enjoy themselves. Set up an area for the kids to run around and play. Maybe even put together a few fun games. It could even be as simple as providing some chalk or bubbles or toys of said nature.

Remember, If the kids are MISERABLE...YOU and all the rest of the adults WILL BE MISERABLE!

DO Be Responsible!

Do you plan on providing alcoholic beverages at you party? If so, that is perfectly reasonably, but do it RESPONSIBLY! Anyone drinking needs to not drive unless they are sober. If NEED be, Take their keys and wait until they sober up before letting them leave. Consider providing some coffee or a place they can sleep it off.

DON'T Forget About Lighting!

When the sun goes down you and your guests will need to be able to see. So you have to make sure you figured out what you are going to do to provide light. You can put outdoor standing lights out (but that can get expensive) or possibly just simply thread string lights all throughout your yard. Not only will it provide light, BUT it will look

Aesthetically Stunning!!

& Most of All?

....DO Have Fun!!

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